Discover A Book That WOWs You!

I cherish my reading time. It's when I can immerse myself in my own world and stay away from the mundane tasks of everyday life. It's an opportunity to connect fantasy with reality, the past with the present, and the world with myself. But there are people around me who don't get to enjoy this pleasure.

Some of us have read at certain points in our lives, and then we stopped. Either because something else got in the way or because we just couldn't calm down and focus. You might tell yourself that you simply don't have the enthusiasm to read. But then, why are you reading this paragraph? You have the curiosity within you. You enjoy the flow of ideas. You just need that one little push from an extraordinary book! That's why the website is here.

This three-minute test will help you find a book you love, which, hopefully, will serve as the starting point of your lifelong reading journey. Unlike personality tests, we won't give you a "reader type". It's not about letting others tell you who you are. Rather, it's an invitation to begin a journey where you'll rediscover yourself and the world around you.

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